Anusandhan Foundation runs tree plantation campaigns across its projects on a annual basis. The campaigns are community-owned and managed and always implemented alongside environmental education and awareness, to promote environmental stewardship, encouraging a sense of responsibility of the planted trees.

In 2013-2019, close to 1.20 million trees were planted by around 200,000 people, across 62 projects in 6 states of India. Alongside, environmental education was provided to 35,000 children, teachers and community members. This special action indicated a lasting tradition of promoting tree plantation in the projects in cooperation with local communities, government forest offices, and government and state run educational institutes.


The best time for planting trees is during the rainy season (June-September). In northern India planting can be done in January-February before the new growth starts and 1-2 years old saplings have better chance of survival and early flowering. Large pits (1 meter in depth and diameter) should be prepared 2-3 months before planting. The soil is mixed with adequate amount of organic manure and bone meal and allowed to settle by exposing to rains or watering the pits. The tree saplings should have straight stem and undisturbed main shoot. Before planting the ball of earth round the roots is cracked without damaging the roots and planted with root collar just below the ground level. During planting all dead and broken branches and roots are to be cut and removed. The soil around the plant should be firmly consolidated after planting, watered thoroughly and also staked. In the open and in public places tree seedlings are to be protected in gabions till they grow fairly large. Distance of planting trees usually varies from 5-14 metres depending on the size of the plant. For better growth of the plant, the pits should be weeded and hoed to keep the soil loose and free from weeds. Most of the tropical trees have short dormancy period and monsoon is the season for maximum growth. In order to maintain the shape of the tree it is often necessary to remove the old branches. Crossed branches in the centre of the crown should also be cut off. On the stem or large branches holes are made by insect, rats, squirrel and birds or cracking of wood. The exposed surface of the hole is thoroughly cleaned by removing dead, and rotten wood, coasted with coated or fungicides and filled with cement.

Globally, forest cover is one-third less than what it once was and global deforestation continues at 18 million hectares per year. This indiscriminate felling of trees, needs to be undertaken on a large scale to reverse the ill effects of deforestation and restore the ecological balance.


Tree is a woody plant with a spreading crown, whose single trunk exceeds diameter of 15cm and attains a certain height. To exclude shrubs, minimum height a height of more than 4 meters and up to 7 metres may be called a small tree. All trees are capable of producing seeds under favourable environmental condition and grow vigorously for many years. A tree may show the height and shape of a shrub in a climatic condition different from the natural habitat and temperature, light, humidity and moisture and nutritional status of the soil are found to play important role on growth and flowering of plants. By manipulating the environment, delicate plants can be successfully grown if one knows the requirements of those plants. Trees are very fascinating because of their graceful appearance and the abundance of bloom. They are grown for their economic importance or aesthetic value or both. Fruit trees are planted for fruits and forest plantation for other economic products like timber, fuel, tannins, oils, gums, resins, waxes, spices, beverages, narcotics and drugs. The cultivation of trees for their aesthetic or recreational value is known as arboricultural. Here the individual tree is important in contrast to the wood as a crop as in forestry. They also exercise beneficial influences on climate and rainfall, regulate the water flow and prevent soil erosion. A large number of trees in our country are resplendent in riotous colours at the flowering time and are capable of transforming the landscape. The trees are the most permanent elements in landscape and a thorough knowledge of their ornamental properties, rate and mode of growth, their behaviour in different soil, situation and climate are essential. They should be planted carefully and thoughtfully for the benefit of height, shade colour and vertical emphasis.

We have got large number of indigenous and exotic flowering trees, which can be successfully utilized to beautify our cities, towns and villages. Along with the road plan, a plantation plan should be made and strictly adhered to. For the existing roads the dead and decaying trees should be replaced systematically according to a plan. Beautifully planted avenues with flowering trees are pretty with the colour and beauty. The trees should not be patchy due to lack of aesthetic sense of those maintaining the roads. The value of trees as both labour saving and attractive to the residents of any private garden has become increasingly evident. Many trees burst into bloom beautifully, while others afford a pleasing contrast with their decorative foliage. Although we have an abundance of flowering trees, selection of trees for private gardens which should create rhythm, accent, as well as balance in the garden and the dwelling place is rather difficult. One or two small flowering trees are often adequate selections and planting of trees should deserve just as much attention as is commonly given to the colour of the building, pool and paved path. The fruit trees should be planted to the back portion of the house where they are not visible from the entrance. A group of Plumeria or Cassia at the boundaries add charm and grace to the house.

Do you required any type of help related to plantation or if you have any suggestions – idea, you can share with us. we are here for the same.